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September 29, 2020

Fall Retreats at Camp Capers and Mustang Island Conference Center

Helping Hands, Loving Hearts Family Retreat
October 2 - 4, Camp Capers

A special service-oriented weekend for families, couples, and individuals to give back to Camp Capers and experience an enjoyable weekend away. Work projects may include grounds clean-up, trail maintenance on the Brinsmade Sanctuary and meditation trail, stocking firewood for campfires and Steves Hall, landscaping, and gardening.

Mother/Son & Father/Daughter Retreat
October 9 - 11, Camp Capers

Mothers bring your sons, fathers bring your daughters! You are invited to a weekend at Camp Capers that centers on growing and kindling that unique and special bond that parents have with their children while participating in fun and faith-centered activities such as high ropes, kayaking, gardening, arts and crafts, hiking, worship, Bible lessons, and so much more.

Beach Escape to Mustang Island
October 16 - 18, Mustang Island Conference Center

Escape to your island home before the chaos of the holidays begin. Escape packages for individuals through families of four or more include two nights lodging, six meals, beach chairs, shade, use of boogie boards, surf boards, and Saturday night campfire with S’mores.

Halloween in the Hill Country
October 30 - November 1, Camp Capers*

Bring your family out to Camp Capers to learn about and celebrate Halloween, All Saint’s Day and Dia de Los Muertos! Activities will include pumpkin carving and painting, arts & crafts, trick or treating, costume party (socially distanced), movie under stars, haunted/non-haunted family hay rides, campfires, cider sippin’ and more!

Art & Soul Retreat
November 6 - 8, Camp Capers

A weekend retreat focused on feeding our souls through art! Art & Soul will create space for creativity and for spiritual, Christian learning in community with other artists from across the diocese. Bring your own Arts & Crafts supplies and work on your projects or sign up for an artist led workshop and learn a new skill.

A Very Capers Christmas
December 11 - 13, Camp Capers*

Bring your family to Camp Capers and cozy up to the fire with a mug of hot cocoa, make and decorate Capers’ Christmas Cookies, create a family Advent wreath, sing Christmas carols around the campfire, and get crafty in arts & crafts making Christmas tree ornaments. Learn more about the season of Advent and Christmas and how we, as Episcopalians, prepare for and celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Holiday on the Island
December 11 - 13, Mustang Island Conference Center

Holiday on the Island offers an opportunity for individuals, couples, and families to celebrate the Christmas holiday together with two nights lodging, six meals provided, and activities for everyone. Join us for campfires, s'mores, outdoor movie, holiday cookie decorating, crafts, worship, and more.

Personal Retreats and Rentals
Based on Availability, Mustang Island Conference Center

Rest, reflect, and renew within God's coastal creation as you enjoy the coast at your own pace. Rent one of our standard Guest Rooms or one of the Casa de la Playa suites with a full kitchen, and choose your own adventures. Spend time on the beach, kayak, fish, go birding, read, watch the sunrise and sunset, or take an excursion. Please contact Lynn Corby for inquiries and booking, at

Retreat details and event registration can be found on the Events & Registration page of the website.
A series of graphic image squares can be accessed and downloaded here, for use by church communicators and administrators.
*Dates have been updated since 9/29/2020.

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