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The leadership structure and governance of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas is modeled after The Episcopal Church and explained in the diocesan Constitution and Canons. Click here to read the complete Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, which includes the requirements and definitions of the following governing bodies.

Diocesan Bishop

The Bishop of a diocese is charged with the apostolic work of leading, supervising, and uniting the church. Diocesan bishops hold jurisdiction in their dioceses, with particular responsibility for the doctrine, discipline, and worship of the church. Bishops preside at services of Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation. Currently, the Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, D.D., serves as the eleventh Bishop of West Texas. In addition to the bishop, there are several elected bodies of clergy and lay leaders.

General Officers of the Diocese

The Rev. Ram Lopez, Secretary of the Diocese
Ted Burkhart, Treasurer
The Hon. Kelley Kimble, Chancellor
Leigh Saunders, Registrar
Tom Lee, Historiographer
Alayna Barrett-Fox, Archivist

Executive Board

The Executive Board exercises all powers of the Diocesan Council between its meetings regarding long range plans, diocesan development, and carrying information on the work of the diocese. It supervises and directs the Church Corporation Trustees' actions and completes projects given to it by Council. The Executive Board has eighteen elected members (six clergy and twelve lay persons).

Term Expires February 2028

The Rev. Reagan Gonzalez
The Rev. Arnoldo Romero
Betty Mosty
Gene Dowdy
Samantha Gates
Greg Quisenberry

Term Expires February 2027

The Rev. Jamie George
The Rev. Michael Woods
Monty Lee
Traci Maxwell-Phillips
Ivette Sullivan
Markus Villarreal

Term Expires February 2026

The Rev. Ram Lopez
The Rev. Besty Stephenson
Rosine Carter
Kristi Greene
Gail Hoffman
Dr. Anna Saulsbury-Molina

Additional Members

The Rt. Rev. Dr. David. G. Read, President
Rob Schneider, Chancellor
Ted Burkhart, Treasurer
Leigh Saunders, Secretary
Caroline Mowen, Staff Liaison
Anna Tarver, Staff Liaison

Episcopal Church Corporation of
West Texas Trustees

The Episcopal Church Corporation of West Texas holds title to the permanent funds and property belonging to the diocese. It has authority to receive bequests and donations, and to sell or mortgage property to which it holds title. As such, Trustees should have an understanding of/interest in financial, real estate, and property matters. The Trustees work with the Bishop on designating certain restricted funds as they are needed in ministry.

Term Expires February 2028
The Rev. Jason Roberts
Matthew Boutte

Term Expires February 2027
The Rev. Bryn Caddell
Raudel Garza

Term Expires February 2026
The Rev. Aloysius Peter Thaddeus
John Warren

Additional Officers
The Rt. Rev. Dr. David M. Read, President
Dan Butt, Ex Officio
Ted Burkhart, Treasurer
Anna Tarver, Assistant Secretary
Canon Caroline Mowen, Assistant Treasurer
Rob Schneider, Chancellor & Secretary

Standing Committee

The Standing Committee is responsible for the continuity and integrity of the organizational church, consenting to election of bishops, approving candidates for ordination, and controlling fiscal encumbrance of the diocese. The Standing Committee has six elected members (three clergy and three lay persons).

The Rev. James Derkits, President
The Rev. Jonathan Wickham
The Rev. Ann Fraser

Susan Alwais
Libby Templeton
Brian Kates

Click here to read the complete Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, which includes the requirements and definitions of the following governing bodies.

Diocesan Executive Board

The Executive Board exercises all powers of the Diocesan Council between its meetings in connection with long-range planning, development, and carrying information on the work of the diocese. It is to supervise and direct the acts of the trustees of the Church Corporation and also to perform such work as has been given to it by Council. The Executive Board is composed of 18 elected members of whom six are clergy and 12 lay persons, all communicants of the diocese and all elected by Council.

Executive Board Members

Elected, February 2019

  • Rosine Carter
  • The Rev. Rod Clark
  • The Rev. James Derkits
  • Meredith Rogers
  • John Warren

Elected, February 2019, to complete an unexpired 2017 term

  • The Rev. Jeff Hammond
  • Blaine Bennett

Elected, February 2018

  • Steve Alwais
  • Nancy Beauchamp
  • Michele Koch
  • The Rev. Ram Lopez
  • Elizabeth Manning
  • The Rev. Jonathan Wickham

Elected, February 2017

  • Wheless Baker
  • Tommy Funk
  • Gayle Gottlich
  • The Rev. Chuck Woehler


  • The Rt. Rev. David M. Reed
  • Ted Burkhart
  • Susan Hardaway
  • Kelley Kimble
  • Caroline Mowen
  • Leigh Saunders

Trustees of the Episcopal Church Corporation

The Church Corporation is a nonprofit, benevolent, and charitable corporation authorized to receive and administer funds and properties given to the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. In addition, the Church Corporation also acts as a trustee in receiving and administering funds for the use and benefit of the churches in the diocese. The largest part of the Church Corporation’s holdings are the titles to the land and buildings of the churches of the diocese.

Current Members

  • The Rt. Rev. David M. Reed, President
  • Mr. Ted Burkhart,
  • Mrs. Kelley Kimble,
    Chancellor & Secretary
  • Mr. Dan Butt,
    Ex Officio
  • Mrs. Susan Hardaway,
    Financial Officer
  • Mr. James Norman,
    Asst. Chancellor

  • Canon Caroline Mowen,
    Asst. Treasurer

Elected, February 2019

  • The Rev. Don Lee
  • Robert Morehead

Elected, February 2018

  • The Rev. Chris Caddell
  • Win DuBose

Elected, February 2017

  • The Rev. John Badders
  • Travis Kimble

Standing Committee

The Standing Committee of the Diocese of West Texas consents to election of bishops, approval of candidates for ordination, and control of fiscal encumbrance of the diocese. The Standing Committee, elected by the people of the diocese, has responsibility for the continuity and integrity of the organizational church.

Elected, February 2019

  • The Rev. Beth Knowlton,
    St. Mark's, San Antonio
  • Lory Zimmerman,
    St. Philip's, Uvalde

Elected, February 2018

  • Mrs. Susan Alwais,
    St. George, San Antonio

  • The Rev. Ripp Hardaway,
    St. John's, New Braunfels

Elected, February 2017

  • The Rev. Paul Frey,
    Christ Church, Laredo
  • Mr. Curt Mowen,
    St. Luke's, San Antonio


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