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Our Churches

Our 86 churches and 1 church plant range in size from 40 members to 2,000 members. Congregations are grouped within the diocese by geographic regions, or convocations.

Click the links below to open a directory of churches, sorted alphabetically by city, and the diocesan convocational map.

Visit the Episcopal Asset Map for a list of service times, church websites, and social media sites.

Church DirectoryDiocesan Map

Our Schools

The Diocese of West Texas has 28 schools, which include stand-alone preschools, elementary and middle schools, and one middle/high school. Every single day, students, faculty, staff and parents walk through the doors and see what the church looks like through the eyes of a school. Many, if not most students in Episcopal schools are not Episcopalian and do not identify as Christians. Most of the schools in our diocese share space with a church, which means that school families are seeing and experiencing Jesus every single day through the school. Our schools are the biggest outreach and mission field that many of our churches support.

Contact Mary Katherine Duffy, Deputy for Episcopal Schools, or visit the Episcopal Schools page to learn more.

School DirectorySchool Map

Diocesan Directories

Diocesan Staff maintain a directory of staff, affiliated entities, churches, and schools designed to keep in your church or school office. The digital files will be updated twice yearly, with corrections, additions, and deletions.

Click here to notify the diocesan offices of changes in your church office or clergy contact information.

  1. General Diocesan Information
  2. Directory of Churches
  3. Churches by Convocation
  4. Directory of Schools
  5. Directory of Clergy (available on request)
  6. Directory of Clergy Spouses and Widows (available on request)
  7. Diocesan Map, with Convocations

Churches In Transition

Below is a regularly updated list of congregations in transition within the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. The diocese is always open to receiving the names, and contact information, of clergy who may be interested in joining our ongoing ministry and mission. For more information or with questions, contact the Rev. Mike Besson, Archdeacon, at or (210/888) 824-5387.

Congregation Status Categories:

Pre-Search: The church is preparing for their search and is engaged in one or more of the following steps:

  • Training sessions with the Vestry, or Bishop's Committee, and Search Committee
  • Parish Profile workshops
  • Parish Profile assembly and review

Active Search: The church and the diocese are engaged in one or more of the following steps:

  • Receiving names and preparing a list of potential candidates for review
  • Preparing for interviews, after receiving list of names
  • Interviewing candidates

Closed: The church is no longer receiving names and is engaged in one or more of the following steps:

  • Determining a list of 'finalists'
  • Conducting second interviews with potential candidates
  • Recommending a candidate to the vestry, from the Search Committee process
  • Issuing a call, from the vestry to candidate
  • Processing an accepted call

Redeemer Episcopal Church

  • 648 Madison St, Eagle Pass, TX 78852
  • Status:
    Active Search
  • Average Sunday Attendance:
  • Interim Clergy:
  • Description:
    Redeemer Episcopal Church is seeking a full time rector.
  • Download Parish Profile

Grace Episcopal Church

  • 6275 Camp Bullis Rd., San Antonio, Texas 78257
  • Status:
    Active Search
  • Average Sunday Attendance:
  • Interim Clergy:
    The Rt. Rev. David M. Reed, D.D.
  • Description:
    Grace Episcopal Church is seeking a full time rector.
  • Download Parish Profile

Episcopal Church of the Messiah, Gonzales

  • 721 Saint Louis Street; Gonzales, TX 78629
  • Status:
    Active Search
  • Average Sunday Attendance:
  • Interim Clergy:
    The Rev. Robert Certain
  • Description:
    Episcopal Church of the Messiah, Gonzales is seeking a full-time rector.
  • Download Parish Profile
For more information or with questions, contact the Ven. Mike Besson, Archdeacon, at


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