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2024 Spring Retreat at Camp Capers

What an amazing Retreat! This past weekend, March 8 - 10, we gathered with a group of college students and young adults from inside and outside of our diocese for our Spring Retreat at Camp Capers. The Rev. Dr. Ben Nelson led us through a meaningful teaching series about connecting to our truest selves as beloved creations of God and living our lives from our "inside out". We learned about making small adjustments to our life boat's rudder to see significant changes in the overall direction of our journey. We experimented with small voice changes during Compline and learned about new ways of prayer. The 2024 Camp Capers Summer Staff was also holding their staff team building weekend at Capers this weekend. We had the opportunity to share some of our teaching sessions and closing Eucharist with those young adults as well.

Overall, the weekend was made up of new and old friends spending intentional time together. Time filled with games, laughter and fun. Time getting to know God better through each other. Time for prayer, amazing weather, and even better food. Our bellies were full, but our hearts left Camp Capers bursting with love for all of our students and young adults.

If you weren't able to join us for this retreat, don't you worry. We will see you for our Fall 2024 Retreat at Mustang Island!

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