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Ministry Spotlights
June 22, 2023

Celebrating 20 Years of Mustang Island Family Camp

New 10-Room Lodge

In 2003 Mustang Island Conference Center held its first Family Camp on the Gulf of Mexico beach near Port Aransas. Construction on the conference center was still in progress when Family Camp began that first year, presenting plenty of adventures for the staff and guests to navigate. That didn’t deter families from signing up for the next summer or the summer after that, and soon many Family Camp sessions had waiting lists, forcing us to turn guests away.

And so, it is very fitting that for Summer 2023, on our 20th anniversary, we begin the season with a new, 10-room lodge, that can accommodates up to 60 people. Construction finished in the middle of the 2022 summer sessions, and the lodges quickly filled for the rest of the season. This summer is the first year we can book the building all summer long!

And on this special anniversary, Family Camp guests get to worship in the new Chapel of the Holy Family for the first time. Consecrated on October 30, 2022 by Bishop David M. Reed, the beautiful wooden, open-air chapel was carefully constructed atop and amongst the dunes, in order to complement the natural landscape and weather future storms. It seats up to 180 people and boasts panoramic views of the beach and ocean. Families can feel the coastal breezes and hear the majestical surf while singing glorious hymns to God.

Chapel of the Holy Family, Session 1

It's not too late to sign up for a Family Camp session this summer and experience the joy, relaxation, delicious meals, and special community that is Mustang Island Family Camp. Join our story that's been 20 years in the making!

Whistlers on the Pond

A Gratitude Poem Celebrating Mustang Island Conference Center

Whistlers on the pond
Wind moves the air
Beauty surrounds us
Life is everywhere

Ducks wing beat
Pelican soars
Seagull laughs
The ocean roars

The boardwalk creaks
We sing, we pray
Community sustains us
Praise, love, everyday

Whistlers on the pond
Wind moves the air
Beauty surrounds us
Life is everywhere

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