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February 10, 2023

Council in Action - Agape Ranch, CarePortal

Council in Action is an opportunity for the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas and Council participants to serve the community where Council takes place. In 2023, Council In Action will collect supplies for Agape Ranch through CarePortal, “providing care and guidance for foster children and families in South Texas.”

CarePortal is a technology platform implemented by Agape Ranch as part of their outreach program. St. Andrew’s Church in Corpus Christi became involved in serving through the CarePortal six years ago. CarePortal provides the structure in which congregations can be the hands and feet of Jesus in their community by helping vulnerable children and families in crisis. The online platform allows the Child Protective Services caseworkers and other smaller requesting agencies to vet, post, and email the needs of their clients to participating churches in that area.

Agape Ranch received the 2021 CarePortal National award for coming together around the technology in ways that show ownership, diversity, consistency and self-sufficiency. St. Andrew’s was a finalist for the national award for individual congregations.

Members of St. Andrew's, Corpus Christi shared, "There is no greater feeling than seeing little faces light up when they when they are told they are precious and loved, valued and important in a tangible way. Every church can fully participate in spreading God’s love to these vulnerable, as part of Council in Action." Congregations are invited to bring the following items with them to Council 2023 in support of Agape Ranch:

1. Twin bedding sets including sheets and comforters
2. Johnson’s Bath Discovery Baby Gift sets
3. Hygiene kits for older children and teens (toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, shower gel, combs and hairbrushes in a container)
4. Waterproof twin mattress protectors
5. Pack and plays
6. Monetary donations by check or online to help fund the next bed build and other needs for foster care.

A booth will be set up in the Exhibit Hall to receive in-kind donations.

Agape Ranch is the managing administrative partner for CarePortal. Please visit to learn more about this organization.

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