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June 24, 2024

Video Updates from General Convention 81 in Louisville, Kentucky

Welcome to our coverage of The Episcopal Church General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.

Friday, June 28

Rosine Carter, Annunciation, Luling

Grace Buchanan, St. Matthew's Edinburg

The Rev. Jay George, St. Helena's, Boerne

The Rev. Brian Fox, St. Paul's, San Antonio

Today's highlights

  • The Rt. Rev. Kym Lucas, Bishop of the Diocese of Colorado was elected Secretary of The House of Bishops. She nominated the Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of West Texas as Assistant Secretary. He was then confirmed by The House of Bishops.
  • Closing Eucharist: The final day of the 81st General Convention began with a Eucharist service. Presiding Bishop-Elect Sean Rowe preached; Presiding Bishop Michael Curry presided. Watch video of the sermon and read a transcript.
  • Installation plans for presiding bishop-elect: Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe, together with the planning committees for his transition and installation, announced today that they will forego the traditional installation service in Washington National Cathedral in favor of a smaller, simpler ceremony in the chapel at the church’s New York headquarters. Read press release.
  • Diocesan mergers, updates: On the final legislative day, General Convention approved the mergers of three Wisconsin dioceses (Resolution D051) and two Michigan dioceses (C025), and a much anticipated change in status to missionary diocese for the Episcopal Church in Navajoland (C009). Earlier it approved the expansion of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii to include Guam and Saipan, which formerly comprised the Episcopal Church in Micronesia. Read press release.
  • Election of vice president of House of Bishops: The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis, was elected to serve as the vice president of the House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church. Her tenure will begin Nov. 1, when Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe takes office. Read press release.
  • Legislation: Both houses met throughout the day and concluded their business in the afternoon, expressing gratitude for the outgoing Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Secretary of the General Convention and Executive Officer Michael Barlowe. Learn more about what happened today in the Episcopal News Service’s GC81 Daily Digest and its other convention coverage.
  • Prayer card: We invite all to download this prayer card remembering all Indigenous children who were in residential and boarding schools in Canada and the United States

Thursday, June 27

Mary Hayden Manning, St. David's, San Antonio

Jennifer Wickham, All Saints', Corpus Christi

The Rev. Carrie Guerra, St. Francis, San Antonio

Today's Highlights:

  • Worship: The fifth day of the 81st General Convention began with Morning Prayer held in each house. Watch all worship services on demand.
  • Legislative update: Work continued in both houses throughout the day and included adoption of the proposed 2025-2027 churchwide budget. The House of Deputies elected the Rev. Steve Pankey of the Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky as its vice president. Read press release about the election. The Official Youth Presence, whose 18 members have seat and voice in the House of Deputies, made a presentation in the house.

    Learn more about what happened today in the Episcopal News Service’s GC81 Daily Digest and its other convention coverage.
  • Remembering victims of gun violence: This morning in the House of Deputies, each deputation received placards from Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral in Louisville commemorating mass shootings in their regions. The placards hung in the cathedral during 2023. In the early afternoon, Bishops United Against Gun Violence walked to nearby Jefferson Square Park for its fourth General Convention Witness Against Gun Violence. Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe offered remarks, as well as participants in Youth Working to End Gun Violence.

Wednesday, June 26

The Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, D.D., Bishop of West Texas

Today's Highlights:

  • House of Bishops elects the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, bishop of Northwest Pennsylvania and bishop provisional of Western New York, to serve as the 28th presiding bishop, and his election was confirmed by the House of Deputies at the 81st General Convention. he House of Bishops met in executive session Wednesday morning at Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral and elected Bishop Sean Rowe of the Episcopal Dioceses of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York as the church’s next presiding bishop. The election was then confirmed by the House of Deputies during its afternoon session. Read press release about the election and see “GC81 in the News” below for more articles.
  • Presiding bishop-elect offers address: Presiding Bishop-Elect Sean Rowe addressed deputies and bishops in the House of Deputies following his election and confirmation. Watch video on demand.
  • Presiding bishop-elect press conference: The Office of Public Affairs hosted an afternoon press conference with Presiding Bishop-Elect Sean Rowe and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. Watch the press conference on demand.

Tuesday, June 25

The Rev. Reagan Gonzalez, Reconciliation, San Antonio

Stuart Saunders, St. David's, San Antonio

Today's Highlights: 

  • House of Deputies reelects Julia Ayala Harris as president - Julia Ayala Harris, a deputy from the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, was reelected June 25 as president of the House of Deputies of The Episcopal Church. Originally elected at the 80th General Convention in 2022, Ayala Harris' second term as one of the denomination’s two presiding officers begins on June 28 at the close of the church’s 81st General Convention. Click here to read the full article.
  • Legislative sessions: Both houses met in joint session in the House of Deputies for a morning presentation by the chairs and members of the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop. Legislative sessions continued in the afternoon. Read more about what happened today in the Episcopal News Service’s GC81 Daily Digest and its other convention coverage.
  • Deputies celebrate advance of Navajoland resolution creating missionary dioceseClick here to read more.
  • Introducing new ‘Way of Love’ discipleship resource for kids
    The “BIG Way of Love for Kids”—on display at the Evangelism booth in the Exhibit Hall and available online in English, Spanish, and French—offers a set of playing cards and activities that invite and guide children into spiritual practices, including exploring, listening, praying, learning, and practicing. The cards are supplemented by seven audio recordings featuring paraphrased Bible stories, and a “Grown-ups Guide to the BIG Way of Love.”

Monday, June 24

Curt Mowen, St. Luke's, San Antonio

Wheless Baker, St. John's, Sonora

Information on A Case for Love movie can be found here.

Click here to join the livestream tomorrow evening at 7:00 p.m and learn more about Native American/Indigenous Ministries of the Episcopal Church.

The Rev. Nancy Springer, St. Francis by the Lake, Canyon Lake

Today's Highlights:

  • The day began with Morning Prayer in the ballroom. Watch the service online.
  • Legislative sessions: The Joint Budget Committee of the Executive Council presented to a joint session of both houses the proposed churchwide budget for 2025-2027 and answered questions. The committee will meet again in September to consider how best to reconcile the budget with funding requests passed by General Convention.

    The Official Youth Presence visited the House of Bishops and shared their hopes for the future of The Episcopal Church.
  • Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky Night: The host diocese for GC81 offered an evening of “God Talk” conversations, a food truck rodeo, silent disco, and Compline at multiple venues in Louisville. Learn more

Sunday, June 23

The Rev. Dr. Ben Nelson, Chaplain, TMI Episcopal

The Diocese of West Texas delegation to General Convention had a full day. The Rev. Dr. Ben Nelson, Chaplain, TMI Episcopal, provides a video recap of the day.

Today’s highlights

  • Opening Eucharist: Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky Bishop Terry White presided, and House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris preached at a Eucharist service in the ballroom of the Kentucky International Convention Center. Watch the service online.
  • Legislation update: Legislative sessions opened at 11 a.m. and continued throughout the day in the House of Deputies and House of Bishops.
  • Episcopal Church Women 150th anniversary party: GC81 attendees joined the ECW in a festive evening celebration of its 150 years at the Hyatt Regency. The ECW is holding its 51st Triennial at the Galt House Hotel in conjunction with General Convention.
  • ‘A Case for Love’ documentary, Q&A with filmmakers: In celebration of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s ministry and the film’s Episcopal roots, two free screenings of this feature-length documentary were offered Sunday at the Moritz von Bomhard Theater. Filmmakers responded to questions and provided sample discussion guides in advance of the film’s scheduled digital release this fall. Learn more.

Tuning in to GC from home? Watch worship services, legislative sessions, press conferences, and special forums live or on demand on the GC81 Media Hub.

Saturday, June 22

The Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, D.D., Bishop of West Texas

The Diocese of West Texas delegation to General Convention had a full day. The Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, Bishop of West Texas, provides a video recap of the day.

Today’s highlights

  • Opening presentation: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris delivered opening remarks this afternoon to a joint session of the House of Deputies and House of Bishops. View the presentations online. Those remarks are transcribed and posted on the Office of Public Affairs’ website.
  • Love Always Episcopal Revival, 7-9 p.m. ET: This special night of at the KFC Yum! Center includes a sermon from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, in his 27th and final revival of his tenureThe Episcopal Church’s Facebook or YouTube pages. Bishop Curry’s sermon will be transcribed and posted on the Office of Public Affairs’ website.

Click here for more information about General Convention and to watch the livestreams.

Friday, June 21

The Rev. Scott Brown, President, TMI Episcopal, San Antonio

Highlights from 81st General Convention, Friday, June 21 provided by the Public Affairs Office of The Episcopal Church:

  • Press conference: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris, and Secretary of the General Convention and Executive Officer Michael Barlowe answered questions during a 10 a.m. opening press conference hosted by the Office of Public Affairs. View the press conference online.
  • Presidential nominees forum: General Convention Secretary and Executive Officer Michael Barlowe hosted a forum for official candidates for the position of House of Deputies president in the Louisville Marriott Downtown Grand Ballroom. Nominees are incumbent President Julia Ayala Harris; the Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton; and Zena Link. Watch the forum online.
  • ‘Meet the Nominees’ for presiding bishop: The Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop hosted a forum with the five nominees for presiding bishop in the Louisville Marriott Downtown Grand Ballroom. Questions focused on topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion; leadership and administration; reconciliation; spiritual and self-care; and care of creation. Watch the forum online.

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