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Guest Authors
October 16, 2024

Grow Your Faith at Happening

Guest Blog submitted by Ajay Shamma, Trinity Episcopal, Victoria

Growing up, I spent as much of my summers at Camp Capers as possible, and this is where I first heard about Happening. My older friends from camp talked very vaguely about it and explained that it was all a secret, and they couldn’t give me any details. When my older brother “Happened”, he did the same. Every time he talked about it, my parents would make me leave the room or cover my ears. It became something I couldn’t wait to be let in on and be a part of, not only because of the secrecy but because I saw the impact it had on all of my friends and family.

I was able to happen at #151 at my home church, Trinity Episcopal, in Victoria Texas. When I finally attended, I thought I had a good idea of what to expect. I had heard stories and seen glimpses, but nothing prepared me for the way it changed me. Happening is built on relationships, and over the very short weekend, I felt more connected to God and to others than I ever had before. The sense of community, love, and acceptance is overwhelming. It wasn’t until this weekend when I learned, Happening is more than just a weekend retreat to be able to see your friends, it’s a life changing experience that will forever leave an impact on your faith.  

What made the experience so special for me was how it continued to shape my life even after the weekend was over. The lessons, the moments of prayer, the conversations, and all the new friends I had made along the way, helped me through difficult times and reminded me of the love and support that surrounds me. Every time I think back on my experience, I feel like I’m stepping back into that sacred space where the presence of God is undeniable.

Happening has had a lasting impact on my faith journey. It has strengthened my relationship with God and given me a deep sense of purpose. It's not just about the retreat itself; it's about how it changes you as a person, and as a Christian. Being part of the Happening community has made me more aware of God’s role in my life and given me a desire to share that experience with others.

Registration is now open for Happening #158! Head to St. Peter's in Kerrville on November 22 - 24! Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for older high school students, led by their peers. Any student in the 10th through 12th grade can attend. Weekends tend to fill quickly, so don't delay!

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Grow Your Faith at Happening

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