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February 26, 2022

Prayers of the People from the Bishop's Address Committee

In response to the 2022 Bishop's Address, the Committee on the Bishop's Address offers the following Prayers of the People.

Almighty and gracious God,

We are grateful for many things this year: For the assistance of Bishop High and his dedication and support to the diocese; for our congregations, their perseverance and steadfastness in worship and service; for their integrity and creativity in spreading God’s message; for their support to those who have lost loved ones or those who have been gravely ill.

Most of all, we are grateful, God, for your overwhelming love and for keeping us secure in your embrace.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Lord of all creation,

Who loves the works of His hands, help us to follow in the path of your servant Francis, that we might build places of worship for you in our hearts and welcome the world, especially the hopeless and the broken-hearted, to share in your love as reflected in our lives.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father,

You know fear and chaos spread as we confront this pandemic. As your word brought order to the world in creation, inspire us to continue as a church of persistent light and hope in the darkness. By your grace, make us become tabernacles of rest and refuge in a world of dislocation and disorientation. Make us a people of restless and relentless hope.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.


Help us in the work we have to do. Guide us to encourage one another and build each other up. Help us to be more hopeful than fearful. May our actions reflect abundance rather than scarcity, and may we rediscover what is precious and true and enduring. Help us to trust and understand the ordinary things we do as church people put us into the arena of reclaiming, reconciling, uniting and inspiring. Remind us always that hope endures, love abides and Easter is real.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.


Help us live out with joy the promises we made at our baptism. Renew that joy in the answer to the questions and struggles faced by many. Help us set aside inner fears and reluctance like Eeyore and leap in boldness and reckless love like Tigger, as we continue to advance the Gospel for Jesus’s sake.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Dear Lord,

We thank you for your camps and conference centers, whose continuing ministries during the pandemic have offered especially needed opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth. As we prepare to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Camp Capers, we ask your continued help in developing these camping and retreat ministries there and at Mustang Island and Duncan Park -- all beloved spaces to gather in your name.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.


You sent us to fulfill your great commission, and we give thanks for the World Mission department, which has not let us forget your call to go into the world and make disciples. We thank you for the work of the staff and volunteers and for your abundant provision for the witness of all who are crossing cultures for the sake of the Gospel. May we persevere in your call until all nations are gathered around your banquet table.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Eternal Father,

You long for all your children to grow in wisdom and stature: may all the middle school and high school students you have called to the confirmation retreat respond to your call. May the retreat deepen their relationship to your son Jesus Christ so that you may be glorified and your kingdom in West Texas may increase.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Almighty God,

You have called us all into vocations of spreading the love of Christ. Help us in these dispiriting times, to remember especially the needs of your clergy. As they minister to the brokenhearted and those trapped in fear and loneliness, help us to minister to them. Help us to see your call to bind up their wounds and to offer the good news of the gospel to those who minster to others.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Committee on the Bishop’s Address: Dr. Elizabeth Manning, Chair; The Rev. Jan Dantone; James Dennis; Bill Fisher; Andy Knight; The Rev. Ram Lopez; The Rev. Dr. Claudia Nalven; and Dan Walker

  • Click here to save a printable copy of the 2022 Prayers of the People.

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