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August 20, 2021

Registration Opens for Fourth Annual Border & Migration Ministry Summit

Updated October 6, 2021: After much discussion, the 4th Annual Border & Migration Ministry Summit co-hosted by Episcopal Migration Ministries and the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas has been postponed to March 30 – 31, 2022. We hope you will plan to join us in the new year.

The situations our migration ministries respond to can change unpredictably and crucial opportunities to serve our neighbors rarely arrive with much advance warning. In the midst of finalizing conference details for the 2021 Summit, Episcopal Migration Ministries began working diligently to assist arriving Afghan individuals and families and diocesan Immigration & Refugee Ministries began responding to the crisis in Del Rio and are providing humanitarian aid to the displaced Haitians traveling through their diocese to family and sponsors throughout the United States. These humanitarian crises require significant staff attention and time, limiting the co-hosts’ ability to
provide the conference originally planned.

Already registered participants have been contacted individually and may choose to donate their registration fee or receive a full refund. Donations will
be split evenly between Episcopal Migration Ministries and Immigration & Refugee Ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas.

Click here to subscribe to Immigration & Refugee Ministries twice-monthly newsletter for additional information about the rescheduled Border & Migration Ministry Summit in the new year.


A virtual summit for those engaged or interested in migration ministries will be held October 21 - 23, 2021 hosted by Episcopal Migration Ministries in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. Early-bird registration for the Fourth Annual Border & Migration Ministry Summit ends Saturday, September 11.

The conference will be simultaneously interpreted in English and Spanish. Haga clic aquí para leer este anuncio en español.

This year’s program will feature keynote presentations from:

  • Karen Gonzalez, a non-profit professional at World Relief, speaker, immigrant advocate, and author of “The God Who Sees: Immigrants, The Bible, and the Journey to Belong”; and
  • The Rev. Nancy Frausto, director of the Latinx Studies Program and lecturer in Latinx ministry at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas.

Attendees have the option to attend workshops in three tracks: refugee resettlement; asylum & border ministries; and accompaniment. During the summit, attendees will gather to learn from experts and reflect on migration topics through the lens of each track.

The conference begins with optional programming and Evening Prayer on Thursday, October 21. The formal program begins Friday, October 22, at 10:00 a.m. CT and ends at 5:30 p.m. CT. The conference continues Saturday, October 23, from 10:00 a.m. CT to 2:00 p.m. CT.

Those who sign up before September 11 can access early-bird registration for $65. Regular registration costs $75 and goes into effect September 12.

Learn more and register at Those in need of financial assistance may email Allison Duvall, Manager for Church Relations & Engagement, Episcopal Migration Ministries.

For inquiries regarding Immigration Ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, contact Flor Saldivar, Director of Immigration and Refugee Ministries.

About Episcopal Migration Ministries
Episcopal Migration Ministries is a ministry of The Episcopal Church and is one of nine national agencies responsible for resettling refugees in the United States in partnership with the government. Episcopal Migration Ministries has 12 affiliate offices in 10 states. In addition to its long-standing work in refugee resettlement ministry, Episcopal Migration Ministries is The Episcopal Church’s convening place for collaboration, education, and information-sharing on migration. To directly support EMM and its life-changing work, visit or text ‘EMM’ to 41444 (standard messaging and data may rates apply).

About the Diocese of West Texas
The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas is made up of 87 congregations, spread across 60 counties in South Central Texas. Recognizing the cultural diversity that is our gift in Texas, our members are diverse and our worship and corporate life can be bilingual in language and in spirit. We are part of The Episcopal Church and are guided in purpose by five core values: faith, sacramental worship, evangelism, mission, and reconciliation.


Media Contact: 
Emily Kittrell
Director of Marketing and Communications
(210) 824-5387

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