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August 7, 2024

Rededication Service Celebrates the Restoration of St. Francis Chapel

On Friday, August 2, a beautiful rededication and Eucharist took place in St. Francis Chapel at Camp Capers. The rededication was given in thanksgiving for the ministry of the Rt. Rev. David M. Reed, D.D., 10th Bishop of West Texas, and wife Patti. Over 500 hundred summer campers, alum, families, clergy, and current and past Bishops of the diocese came together to give thanks for the renovated chapel, first dedicated in 1948.

St. Francis Chapel has been a sacred space to worship – a place where numerous lives have been transformed by the Holy Spirit. Set against a gorgeous backdrop of the Hill Country, the beautiful, open-air chapel has remained steadfast, nurturing the souls of generations of campers. In recent years, the growth at Camp Capers left St. Francis bursting at the seams, with campers overflowing on all sides.

The Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, D.D., Bishop of West Texas, shares, “St. Francis is a beloved space, a spiritual home for generations of campers to worship and share the love of Jesus in a pure and holy space. God has blessed us with this beautiful chapel, and we are grateful that through the restoration, we have an expanded space to accommodate the gathering of all our campers and visitors.’

In 2022, a plan to renovate St. Francis was approved and care was taken to ensure the architectural plan retained the essence of the chapel. Ground was broken on October 7, 2023, commencing the construction phase of the renovation. Retaining the original floor, altar and altar wall, the new building looks and feels much like the original outdoor worship space. A raised roof, expanded walls, beautiful new wooded beams and ceiling, allow twice as many people the room to be together while singing, praying and worshipping God. Outside the Chapel is a new patio, with stone benches and an ADA pathway connecting the building to the rest of camp. A new stone wall gently wraps around the chapel area, helping to define the sacred space and tie everything together.

Under the direction of Rob Watson, Director of Camps and Conferences, the building process proceeded seamlessly, with completion adhering to planned timelines. Watson shares, “The St. Francis Chapel re-dedication was an extremely moving experience, celebrating 76 years of continuous worship in the simple, stone spiritual home of Camp Capers. The rededication was a joyous event for the whole diocese and our beloved Camp Capers.”

The re-opening of St. Francis was highly anticipated and lived up to expectations. It was a wonderful day as worshipers gave praise to God for his presence in St. Francis, moving and changing lives for over 76 years. Present at the dedication were original campers Molly Steves Zachary and Mary (Pood) Wheeler who were campers when the doors opened over seven decades ago. Also in attendance was the Rt. Rev. James (Jim) Folts, D.D, 8th Bishop of West Texas) who met his wife, Sandy, at Camp Capers in 1958, and The Rt. Rev. Rayford Baines High, D.D., retired.

The rededication began with a jubilant procession of campers into the chapel. The Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, Bishop of West Texas, presided over the service and was joined by Bishop Reed, the Rev. Cristopher Robinson, St. Matthew’s, Universal City, and the Rev. Stephen Shortess, St. Andrew’s Seguin. Bishop Read welcomed worshipers and opened the service glorifying the Lord and giving thanks for the beautiful restoration of the beloved St. Francis Chapel.

“I am thankful for the ministry of Bishop Reed and his wife Patti for whom St. Francis is dedicated to. Their love for Camp Capers and the chapel were an integral element in the planning of the restoration. Additionally, I want to thank Rob Watson, and the Camp Capers staff who kept the camp programs running smoothly throughout the construction phase and were at the helm of ensuring the heart of the chapel was sustained and protected.”

Bishop Reed gave the homily, reflecting on the history of the chapel and how the St. Francis has remained steadfast, a faith-filled place of worship to generations of campers. He read an excerpt from the 1985 Sr. High Camp Journal, eloquently written by a camper from that time. A sentiment that reflects the feelings shared by so many throughout the years, a constant amidst the changing landscape, rebuilding and restoration at Camp Capers and St. Francis Chapel.

“As I listen to the things around me, melodic singing birds, faint hum of voices, the thrum of cicadas, and the music coming down from the activities building, I feel at peace in God’s world. I’m trying to look at everyone twice, and I feel a great and deep love and caring and compassion. Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful place which you have created for all the people that you have joined together here. I am so happy and satisfied whenever I am here. Please help me carry these feelings when I leave here.”

Click here to watch highlights from the Rededication Service at Camp Capers.

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