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September 29, 2023

The Nominating Committee of the Diocese Seeks Clergy and Lay Nominees for Elected Offices to be Filled at Council 2024

The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas will conduct its 120th Diocesan Council in San Marcos, Texas, February 22-24, 2024. As you know, one of the important functions of Council is the election of laypersons and clergy from across the Diocese to serve in various Diocesan elective offices. It is the purpose of this letter to request your assistance in identifying individuals from your parish and convocation who are faithful and passionate about serving our Lord and who would be willing to allow their names to be put forward for nomination to one of the elective positions that will be filled at Council.

The importance of filling our elective slates with committed, qualified, and dedicated nominees cannot be overstated. Yet, in trying to recruit such qualified candidates, we hear parishioners say they would prefer not to run because the odds are they will be defeated. We understand no one likes to lose but, it's important to share that by standing for election they are serving the Diocese in a very meaningful, and essential manner.  

The process of recruiting nominees for the positions to be filled at Council in February is an easy and straightforward process.

  • Over the next six weeks, the Nominating Committee will be working with Rectors and laypeople from across the Diocese to recruit individuals willing to stand for election. This is where we really need your help. Click here to view the positions to be filled and a description of the nature of work of each committee or board. This year we are filling positions on the Executive Board, Standing Committee, Episcopal Church Corporation of West Texas, Trustee of University of the South, and Board of Governors, TMI Episcopal.
  • Everyone who has agreed to have their name submitted for nomination must have completed nomination form and submitted their photo to the diocesan office by November 3. There are three ways to submit a nomination:

    : The easiest and fastest way to submit is through the online form using this link:

    If you are unable to use the online form, do the following:

    Click here
    to download a PDF form to complete and submit by email or mail.

    : Send the completed PDF via email to as an attachment along with your photograph.

    : Print and mail the completed form to:

    The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas
    Attn. Leigh Saunders
    PO Box 6885
    San Antonio, Texas 78209

  • During the first week of November the Nominating Committee will meet to review the nomination forms that have been submitted from across the Diocese to fill the slates for the various positions for consideration at Council in February.

Again, and at the risk of being repetitious, we truly do need your help. A number of the positions to be filled require three nominees per spot. So, as you can imagine, we need to recruit a significant number of nominees. Lastly, please remember that nominees must be at least eighteen years of age and resident in the convocation from which they are being nominated.

Thank you so much for taking the time to pray, consider, and invite others to share in the leadership of our Diocese.


The Rev. Jay George
Nominating Committee Co-Chair

Mr. Ross Rommel
Nominating Committee Co-Chair

Submitting Your Name for Elected Office of the Diocese

We encourage nominations to be submitted through the online Elected Offices Nomination for Council 2024. If you need assistance submitting your online nomination form, you may call the diocesan office, at (210/888) 824-5387.

Nomination forms are due no later than November 3, 2023. All persons recommended must be 18 years-of-age or older and must be communicants within the convocation from which they are being nominated. Nominees are not required to attend Diocesan Council in order to be considered.

Elected Offices to be Filled at Council

2024 Elected Offices Nomination Form for Council

2024 Diocesan Constitution and Canons

Diocesan Nominating Committee

The Rev. Jay George, Co-Chair

Ross Rommel, Co-Chair

The Rev. Susan Burnham

The Rev. Rod Clark

Ella Mason

Manuel Osorio

Tina Scott

Jennifer Shortess

The Rev. Canon Gina Yochem

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