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Stewardship is about funding the mission of God to which the Church has been called. We must begin thinking of stewardship in terms beyond the annual "pledge drive." Stewardship is not about merely raising money to run the church. Stewardship is what we do with all that God has given us, all the time. Our Stewardship efforts should reflect best practices and be strategically planned.

The Department of Stewardship mission is to:

  • Educate and inspire the members of the diocese with the larger meaning of Christian stewardship.
  • Lead congregation members to accept their responsibility as stewards of God' gifts by helping clergy, vestries, and bishop's committees develop a strong and continuous Christian stewardship focus in their congregation.
  • Host periodic conferences or campaigns that set forth God's claim on our time, talents and treasure.
  • Equip qualified lay leaders and clergy to travel throughout the Diocese with a presentation of Christian stewardship as a way of life.
  • Create a practical program for the Diocese.

Below are resources to help you and your congregation start or continue your stewardship planning.

Find a Stewardship Speaker

The Stewardship Department maintains a list of speakers equipped to make a custom stewardship presentation to your congregation, either in-person or online via Zoom. To request the Stewardship Speakers List, which includes both clergy and lay leaders from throughout the Diocese, email Canon Caroline Mowen.

TENS Resources

The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS): TENS provides extensive stewardship resources and learning opportunities for Episcopal churches. All West Texas congregations are invited to use the diocesan membership credentials to access unlimited member resources: password - Ephesians5:2

2024 Walk in Love Campaign Resources

  • Virtual Stewardship Presentation Overview & Materials (English, Spanish)
  • Deepening Our Stewardship Formation (English)

Stewardship Webinars

In collaboration with The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) the Diocese of West Texas is hosting a series of free stewardship webinars. These webinars help lay leaders, clergy, and anyone who is interested learn more about stewardship and provide resources, tips, and stewardship ideas that work. Participants should register for upcoming webinars individually and may attend one or as many of the webinars as they would like.

Creating or Reinvigorating Your Legacy Society

Learn the best practices and tips around creating, growing, or reinvigorating legacy giving in your congregation. Develop some fluency in planned giving vehicles so that you can promote estate giving for your church.

Webinar: Creating or Reinvigorating Your Legacy Society
Powerpoint: Creating or Reinvigorating Your Legacy Society

Motivations for Intergenerational Giving

Are you wondering how to attract and retain members and givers who identify as Millennial and Gen-Z? Learn best practices on how different generations react to giving and membership in church, and some simple ways you can prepare your ministry to welcome members of all ages.

Webinar: Motivations for Intergenerational Giving
Powerpoint: Motivations for Intergenerational Giving

Recruiting and Training a Stewardship Committee

Looking for new members for your stewardship team? Wondering what skills are needed to run a great campaign? This webinar provides best practices and tips to recruit and train great committee members who will help your congregation grow their gratitude and generosity.

Webinar: Recruiting and Training a Stewardship Committee
Powerpoint: Recruiting and Training a Stewardship Committee

Creating a Culture of Generosity

Generosity and Gratitude are learned practices which we must develop and nurture in our members. Learn some of the theological and ethical work that helps us unlock our own motivations in how we make our giving choices, and help develop a culture of giving in your congregation.

Webinar: Creating a Culture of Generosity
Powerpoint: Creating a Culture of Generosity

Year-Round Stewardship Formation

Generosity and Gratitude are learned practices which we must develop and nurture in our members. Learn some of the theological and ethical work that helps us unlock our own motivations in how we make our giving choices, and help develop a culture of giving in your congregation.

Webinar: Year-Round Stewardship Formation
Powerpoint: Year-Round Stewardship Formation

Additional Resources:

Examples of Narrative Budgets:

  • "Giving with Grateful & Generous Hearts." Grace Episcopal Church, Southgate, MI (2008) - "This one is dated, but the examples are good. They took their line-item budget and divided it into 5 categories."
  • "Growing, Giving, Serving in All Ways in Christ!" St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Brighton, MI (2008) - "This is another great example from a church in Michigan. They seem to lead the way in examples. Notice how they separate out their budget and use pictures and text to tell stories."
  • "2018 Narrative Budget." St. John's Episcopal Church, Midland, MI (2018) "This is a very robust brochure ready for print."
  • "Faith-filled Generosity." Church of the Holy Innocents, San Francisco, CA (2020)

Episcopal Parish Network Webinars

The Episcopal Parish Network and partners are working to connect and equip the Church during this time of challenge and change for everyone. These resources are an offering to the church and available at no-cost. Several recorded webinars are highlighted below; visit the Episcopal Parish Network Resources page for information about upcoming sessions.

How to Start?  

We are currently in a time of great uncertainty (how often have we heard this over the past few months?) and bringing up money and financial need feels difficult because many of parishioners may be experiencing financial strain, as well. This line of thinking, while normal, can propagate living from a fearful place and not the life-giving mission of the church. Faithfulness during these times is necessary to be able to breathe stability and community into the congregation.  

Webinar: Funding the Mission First: Trusting the Gospel in Times of Uncertainty  


Stewardship Department Chair: 
The Rev. Ram Lopez
Phone: (210/888) 824-5387


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