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The Rev. Angela Maria Cortiñas Ordained and Consecrated as the 7th Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of West Texas

Watch the livestream and view the photos from the celebrations!

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The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas

we are the west texas branch of the jesus movement

We are 26,000+ persons gathered in 87 congregations spread across 60 counties in Texas. We are part of the Episcopal Church, a community of 1.6 million members in America and abroad. The Episcopal Church is headed by a presiding bishop, currently the Most Rev. Sean D. Rowe. We are guided in this purpose by five core values:
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We pattern our lives on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

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Scripture, Prayer, & Sacramental Worship

We are grounded in Scripture, prayer, and sacramental worship.

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We proclaim, by word and example, God's saving love revealed in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit.

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We reach beyond ourselves to serve all people in our communities and throughout the world.

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We are a community committed to living in reconciled relationship with God and all people.

Church Locations & Service Times


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