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December 11, 2024
December 11, 2024

Diocesan-Wide Advent Book Study

Come and participate with folks from around the diocese for a Zoom book study on Wednesday, December 11 at 6:00pm on Zoom. This will be a study on The First Advent in Palestine by Kelley Nikondeha.

This study will be led by the Rev. Canon Leyla King, Canon for Mission in Small Congregations and Suzanna Green, Director of Christian Formation. This book would make a great Sunday school, Bible study, or small group study for adults and older youth in your congregation.

Please share this event with those in your congregation who might be interested.

Click Here to register for this Free Zoom book study.

Click Here to purchase the book.

Click Here for the Intergenerational Discussion Guide.

Click Here for the Weekly Discussion Guide.

Here are some tips for study leaders:

  • Some of the ideas in this book could challenge some people's perspectives. Invite your group to keep an open mind while reading and discussing and let them know it is ok to disagree both with the book and with each other during the book discussion.
  • Consider a conversation covenant to help your group with any conflict that arises during discussions.
  • Expect that not everyone will read the whole chapter prior to your study group time and pick a few highlighted passages to read aloud.
  • Look over the discussion questions ahead of time and pick 2-3 that you think will work best or resonate the most with your particular group
  • Be prepared to explain any challenging words or phrases when in use with multi-age groups.

Click Here for more Advent Resources.

Click to register
