Ordination and Consecration of the 11th Bishop of West Texas
Click here to view the service bulletin online.
All are invited to join the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas for the Ordination and Consecration Service of the Rev. Dr. David G. Read on Saturday, July 8 at 11:00 a.m. at All Saints Chapel, TMI Episcopal and online at dwtx.org/events/dwtxconsecration2023.
Registration is not required to attend the Consecration Service. Additional in-person seating will be available in the Refectory Dining Hall (Ayres Hall). Continue reading for more information.
There are numerous parking lots throughout campus; shuttles will be available before and after the service between All Saints Chapel and the parking lots. Click here to save a TMI Episcopal Campus Map.
Service Bulletin
The service bulletin will be made available here, the morning of the Consecration Service.
The offering will be given in support of the Bishop Coadjutor's Discretionary Fund. Click here or text "BPREAD" to (210) 796-6805 to give.
History of the Episcopate
Click here to read short biographies for each of the bishops who have served the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas since it was established in 1874.
Childcare will be provided onsite for infants through children 10-years old; it will open 1 hour before the service. Pre-registration is required for childcare, and closed June 7.
The service livestream will be broadcast from this webpage on Saturday, July 8, beginning fifteen to twenty minutes prior to the service start time. [OneLicense Livestream No. S-922629; CCLI License No. 563618]