Election of a Bishop Suffragan – A Discernment Process
In February 2024, at the 120th Diocesan Council, The Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, Bishop of West Texas, issued the call for a bishop suffragan election, and an eight-month discernment process to elect the seventh diocesan bishop suffragan ensued. Shortly after Council, the Bishop Suffragan Election Nominating Committee was formed, consisting of the diocese’s six Standing Committee members joined by three clergy and three lay people from diocesan parishes.
The Nominating Committee issued a call for nominations in May and on September 13, the slate of nominees was announced. Nominees included the Rev. Angela Maria Cortiñas, associate rector at St. David’s in Austin, the Rev. Canon Wm. Lee Curtis, canon to the ordinary for the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande, and the Rev. Matthew Wise, associate rector at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in San Antonio
Over the weekend of October 4-6, members of the diocese had the opportunity to hear the nominees in person at a series of discernment forums. Forums were held at St. Alban’s, Harlingen, Trinity Episcopal Church, Victoria, and TMI Episcopal in San Antonio.
This faith-filled discernment process led up to election day. On Saturday, October 19, clergy and delegates representing the congregations of the Diocese of West Texas gathered at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Corpus Christi for the Special Council: Bishop Suffragan Election.
Election Day
The day began opening at 8:30 a.m. with registration and coffee in the courtyard, followed by a 10:00 a.m. Eucharist service, presided over by Bishop Read. 102 clergy, 248 delegates, and staff gathered in Church of Good Shepherd’s sanctuary, while guests convened in an adjacent building, Munds Hall, to break bread together and pray for the nominees and election process.
Immediately following the service, Bishop Read called Council to Order. The Rev. Ram Lopez, Secretary of the diocese, then reported that a quorum was achieved with 77 of 81 certified parishes represented. Thereafter, a practice ballot was issued, followed by multiple ballots.
On the 5th round of balloting, with 59% of the clergy votes and 52% of lay votes, the Rev. Angela Cortiñas was elected as the Seventh Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of West Texas. A majority of both clergy and lay votes in the same round, defined as 50% plus one vote, was needed for election.

Diaconate: December 18, 2009, Diocese of Southeast Florida, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Miami, FL
Priesthood: July 10, 2010, Diocese of Southeast Florida, All Saints Episcopal Church, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
I have one adult daughter, Victoria Fletcher who is 23. She is a UC Davis graduate living in Davis, CA. She is working for the University of California at Davis as a Natural Lands Technician (Ecological Restoration work).
- Associate Rector, St. David’s Episcopal Church, Austin, TX, Episcopal Diocese of Texas (2021-Present)
- Rector, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, College Station, TX, Diocese of Texas (2017-2021)
- Associate Rector, St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, Boca Raton, FL, Diocese of Southeast Florida (2012-2017)
- Associate Priest, All Saints Episcopal Church, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Diocese of Southeast Florida (2010-2012)

Church/Community Involvement
- Global Partnerships in Missions Board (Malawi subcommittee.)
- The Episcopal Diocese of Texas Committee for Global Partnerships in Mission
- Board Member - St. Andrews Episcopal School in Austin, Texas.
- Former Executive Board Member, The Episcopal Foundation of Texas
- Former Strategic Mission Grants Committee Member for the Diocese of Texas.
- Volunteer: Community vegetable gardens of HOA
- Volunteer – Local Environmental clean-up projects
Transition Process
Bishop Suffragan-Elect Cortiñas will join the diocese on January 1, 2025. She is currently attending diocesan events as she is able and fulfilling her obligations as associate rector at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Austin.
Save the Date for the Consecration of Bishop Suffragan-Elect Maria Angela Cortiñas
10:00 a.m. Saturday, March 29, 2025
St. John’s Episcopal Church
2500 N. 10th Street, McAllen, TX 78501
An in-depth interview with Bishop Suffragan-Elect Cortinas will be featured in the next issue of laVentana in early 2025.

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