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Resources & Curricula
August 15, 2023

"Let Your Life Speak:" Online Study with the Wisdom Years Ministry

What if Christ still has need of our gifts, talents, and abilities which have been honed by our years of experience? What might our purpose be now?  To answer that question we need to be genuine, honest, and hopeful.

Join the Wisdom Years Ministry beginning September 7 for a six-week study that will use large group and small group discussions to discover our place in the Kingdom now. What do we know now that we didn’t know in our earlier years? What have faith and experience taught us? Where have we seen God at work in our lives, and what do we have to say to our hurting world?

For the study read Parker Palmer’s groundbreaking book on vocation Let Your Life Speak on our own, then gather for discussion on Thursday afternoons from 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Central time via Zoom. For those who have already read Let Your Life Speak, it will be fun to see what you draw from it now.

In your reading and discussion, we will consider:

· What has my life revealed to me?

· How have I been guided by ways that have opened and ways that have closed?

· What ways are opening to me now?

· How can I see my mistakes as teachers rather than regrets?

· Where do my great passion and the world’s great need meet?

There is no charge for this study, but you will need to purchase Let Your Life Speak – available from St. Mark’s Bookstore and other retailers. Zoom will be the online gathering place so you will need to be conversant, but not an expert with Zoom.

For more information, email Marjorie George at

The Wisdom Years Ministry is a ministry dedicated to spiritual formation in the last third of life. More information about the Wisdom Years Ministry can be found online, at

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