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Resources & Curricula
March 17, 2020

Resources for Online Worship and Meetings

In order to support clergy and church leaders during this season, the Communications Office is providing a Digital Communications Resource Guide for online worship services and virtual meeting tools for ongoing church business, digital Christian Formation, and ministry meetings. With these tools, congregations and the diocesan staff can continue the missions and ministries of the diocese, while honoring the social distancing recommendations from public health officials.

The Rt. Rev. David Reed has called the diocesan Standing Committee to meet Wednesday, March 18, to finalize the next right step for our diocese, in consideration of the unfolding pandemic response both nationally and in our local communities. The next communication regarding the diocesan response will come from Bishop Reed, following that meeting.

In the meantime, we also encourage you to take proactive steps to ensure that you and key church leaders are receiving all diocesan e-mail communications. We recommend that you add the following email domains to your "safe senders" list:,, and Please also save the following email addresses to your Address Book:,, Click here for step-by-step instructions, tailored to the specific settings for many different email programs.

Church offices should also consider conducting a Communications Audit within your congregations to confirm that individuals are receiving church announcements, to identify preferred communication methods, and to establish ways to stay in touch with folks who may not have access to social media, email, or other online communications.

The Communications Office is available to assist you and your staff as we all learn together. Our contact information is listed below.

Emily and Laura

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