Stewardship Department Launches Webinar Series in Partnership with TENS
The Stewardship Department of the Diocese of West Texas is pleased to host four webinars during 2023, in collaboration with The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS). Intended for clergy, staff, lay leaders, and anyone interested in expanding their congregation's stewardship program, these free webinars will equip individuals with resources and recommendations as well as provide Question & Answer sessions with industry experts.
Participants must register for each webinar individually and may attend one or as many of the webinars as they would like. All diocesan congregations are encouraged to send at least one representative to each webinar, although the same person does not need to attend all of them. Continue reading below for information about each webinar's topic and links to register.
The Rev. Ram Lopez, Stewardship Committee Chair, shares "We are excited to partner with TENS to bring these quality training opportunities to all our congregations in West Texas. As we reboot our congregational life so much has changed, and these webinars will offer tools to help teach about Christian stewardship, our generous God, and our own spiritual need to give. The Stewardship Department hopes everyone walks away with tools that will help their specific congregations thrive in its local mission and ministry."
2023 Stewardship Webinar Series

Motivations for Intergenerational Giving
Monday, May 8, 11:30AM CDT
Wondering how to attract and retain members and givers who identify as Millennial and Gen-Z? Learn best practices on how different generations react to giving and membership in church, and some simple ways you can prepare your ministry to welcome members of all ages.
Click here to register for May 8, "Motivations for Intergenerational Giving."

Recruiting and Training a Stewardship Team
Monday, June 5, 11:30AM CDT
Looking for new members for your stewardship team? Wondering what skills are needed to run a great campaign? This webinar provides best practices and tips to recruit and train great committee members who will help your congregation grow their gratitude and generosity.
Click here to register for June 5, "Recruiting and Training a Stewardship Committee."

Creating a Culture of Generosity
Monday, August 7, 11:30AM CDT
Generosity and Gratitude are learned practices which we must develop and nurture in our members. Learn some of the theological and ethical work that helps us unlock our own motivations in how we make our giving choices, and help develop a culture of giving in your congregation.
Click here to register for August 7, "Creating a Culture of Generosity."

Year-Round Stewardship Formation
Monday, September 11, 11:30AM CDT
Learn beginner, intermediate, and advanced tools to continue the conversation about gratitude and giving across the church year. Reinforce mission and ministry in church communications, activities, and in preaching and teaching.
Click here to register for September 11, "Year-Round Stewardship Formation."