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Resources & Curricula
February 26, 2021

Study Resources - the Book of Isaiah

During his Council Address, the Rt. Rev. David Reed introduced our Council and diocesan theme for this year: “Nevertheless, the kingdom of God has come near.” “Sin embargo, el reino de Dios ya estacerca.” Linked with our theme is the annual diocesan Bible Study. Individuals and churches are invited to read and study the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Our Christian Formation Committee offers resources below.

Resources for Adults
  • Name of Resource: Unbound by Time: Isaiah Still Speaks by William Holladay
    Type: Book
    Information / Annotation: "In this timely and highly readable volume, Old Testament scholar William Holladay introduces the reader to the several ways in which Isaiah speaks, from ancient Jewish readings of the text, to Handel's lyrical use of it in his oratorio, Messiah, to the Christian community who has heard it foretelling the life and death of Jesus Christ."

  • Name of Resources: Isaiah by Alabaster Press Bible Study
    Type: Book
    Information /Annotation: It is the book of Isaiah, directly from the Bible, NLT. Each chapter of Isaiah is given one page with art on the facing page that represents the chapter. Color and images are used for common themes.
  • Name of Resource: Isaiah: A 12-week Study
    Setting to be Used: Sunday School, Small Group or Bible Study
    Type: Book
    Information / Annotation: 
  • Name of Resource: Commentaries on Isaiah by Walter Bruggeman (Volume 1, Volume 2)
    Type: Book
  • Name of Resource: Isaiah Commentary by Brevard Childs
    Type: Book
  • Name of Resource: Marching from Pain to Possibility
    Setting to be Used: Sunday School, Small Group or Bible Study
    Type: Video series
    Information / Annotation: The Work of the People is a video subscription service. This particular series fits well with the theme of exile and return found in the book of Isaiah. See website for subscription options that would work best for your church.
  • Name of Resource: Forty Days: Journey through the Desert of Lent
    Setting to be Used: Sunday School, Small Group or Bible Study
    Type: Video series
    Information / Annotation: The Work of the People is a video subscription service. This particular series fits well with the theme of exile and return found in the book of Isaiah. See website for subscription options that would work best for your church.
  • Name of Resource: Isaiah (Son of Amoz)
    Setting to be Used: Bible Study/Adult Ed
    Type: Online biblical scholars website
    Information / Annotation: Historical information about the prophet Isaiah. This would be a good article for either preparing to teach on Isaiah, or to read as a group as you go through the prophet's words.
  • Name of Resources: How many Isaiahs were there?
    Setting to be Used: Bible Study/Adult Ed
    Type Online biblical scholars website
    Information / Annotation: Background on the book of Isaiah and its authorship. This article will be helpful in understanding the complexities regarding the authorship of the book of Isaiah, which probably holds the writings of at least three Isaiahs over a long period of time.
  • Name of Resource: "Jesus Acted Out the Alternative to Empire," by Walter Bruggeman
    Setting to Be Used: Adult Ed
    Type: Online Article
    Information / Annotation: Hebrew Biblical Scholar Walter Brueggemann offers insight into how to read the book of the prophets with "Prophetic Imagination." This article shows how the prophets were able to envision a world under God's rule, instead of the broken world they saw in front of them. This article would be a wonderful read as a group to better understand the book of the prophets and would introduce a new way to hear what they are still saying to us today.
Resources for Children
  • Name of Resource: Godly Play: The Prophets
    Setting to be Used:
    Sunday school, children’s chapel
    Godly Play Story
    Information/ Annotation:
    This is an intro story for all of the Old Testament prophets. This story could be told the Sunday before sharing the story of the prophet Isaiah. Godly Play resources has the story materials, but you may also be able to find substitutes with supplies you have on hand. If you need help or suggestions contact:
  • Name of Resource: The Story of the Prophet Isaiah
    Setting to be Used:
    Sunday school, children's chapel
    Godly Play Story
    Information/ Annotation:
    This is the story of Isaiah the prophet. Godly Play resources has the story materials, but you may also be able to find substitutes with supplies you have on hand. If you need help or suggestions contact:

  • Name of Resource: The Bible Project
    Setting to be Used: 
    Sunday School, family devotions, bible study
    Short  Videos
    Information / Annotation:
    Short videos portray and explain the meaning of section of scripture. "The Book of Isaiah carries on the theme of judgment and hope, laying the groundwork for God's kingdom, a new Covenant and renewed creation in the future."
  • Name of Resource: Unbound  by Time: Isaiah Still Speaks by William Holladay
    Setting to be Used: Bible  Study Background
    Information / Annotation:
    This is a book gives historical and cultural backgrounds of Isaiah and how it can relate to modern Christians.
  • Name of Resource: Book of Isaiah by Alabaster Creative
    Setting to be Used: Any
    Information / Annotation:
    It  is the book of Isaiah, directly from the Bible, NLT. Each chapter of Isaiah is  given one page with art on the facing page that represents the chapter. Color and images are used for common themes.
  • Name of Resource: Catechesis  of the Good Shepherd Isaiah Prophesies
    Setting to be Used: 
    Sunday  School, children's chapel
    Information / Annotation:
    This  curriculum contains several stories on the prophet Isaiah. For information on  various stories or this particular curriculum contact: Halletah Heinrich at
Resources for Youth
  • Name of Resource: Isaiah in 10 minutes (Part 1 and Part 2)
    Setting to be Used: Sunday School and Youth Group
    Type: Youtube Video
    Information / Annotation: This is a video with a lot of information with an overview of Isaiah in two parts.
  • Name of Resource: SELAH Redemption
    Setting to be Used: Sunday School and Youth Group
    Type: Youtube Video
    Information / Annotation: A digital guided meditation where students can let go of busyness and connect with God
  • Name of Resource: Viva! Grace
    Setting to be Used: Sunday School, Youth Group, Bible Study
    Type: Lesson series
    Information / Annotation: "Viva! Grace is a four-week teaching series that explores Matthew 11:28-30 and Jesus’s invitation to us to find rest, life, and purpose, trading our yoke of burden for his yoke of grace. Another resource in the Viva! series from the Youth Cartel that can be used in either large or small group settings."
  • Name of Resource: The Bible Project
    Setting to be Used: Sunday School, family devotions, bible study
    Type: Short Videos
    Information / Annotation: Short videos portray and explain the meaning of section of scripture. "The Book of Isaiah carries on the theme of judgment and hope, laying the groundwork for God's kingdom, a new Covenant and renewed creation in the future."

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