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Resources & Curricula
July 16, 2024

Summer Books and Podcasts Recommendations

Suzanna Green, Director of Education and Formation and the Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, D.D. shared their recommendations for summer reads perfect for relaxing on the beach and podcasts for family road trips.

Summer Reads

All books can be ordered on the St. Mark's bookstore website, a full-service bookstore run by St. Mark's, San Antonio.

Podcasts Recommendations:
  • “Morning at the Office” by Forward Movement: a daily 15-18 minute reading of Morning Prayer.
  • The Lazy Genius: practical tips and strategies for organizing your life
    Recommended episode to start with: #347 How to Know What Brings You Joy or #353 How to Plan a Project and Actually Finish It
  • And Also with You: a podcast with two Episcopal clergy on what it means to be a Christian in today's society and explanations of various theological ideas.
    Episodes can be found on Apple and SpotifyRecommended episode to start with: Episode 9 What is the BCP: Book of Common Prayer?
  • Everything Happens with Kate BowlerRecommended episode to start with: Season 8 Episode 14 Suspicious of Joy with Justin Welby or Season 11 Episode 6 The Mystery of God with NT Wright
    Recommended episode to start with: Season 3 Episode 2 Lay People in Small Church Leadership featuring St. Matthew's, Edinburg and Church of the Good Shepherd, George West.

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Summer Books and Podcasts Recommendations

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