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Resources & Curricula
April 22, 2022

"Exploring Sophia": Online Study with the Wisdom Years Ministry

Starting May 12, join the Wisdom Years Ministry for a six-week, online study of seven books of scripture, including two from the Apocrypha, that offer us wisdom about life. 

Wisdom comes to us only as a divine gift, and it belongs to the very nature of God himself. The ancient Hebrews sought to gather wisdom from their lives and experiences and pass it on to their children. Many have given wisdom a specific name and character – Sophia, Greek for “wisdom.” In the next Wisdom Years' study, participants will consider where they can find Sophia and how they benefit from her teachings to live full and meaningful godly lives?

The Wisdom Years: Exploring Sophia study will gather weekly on Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. CT via Zoom for discussion and to learn from each other and the Holy Spirit. Each week participants will read a chapter from the book The Star in my Heart by Joyce Rupp and other works, including Rupp’s companion book Prayers to Sophia. Please purchase The Star in My Heart; buying Prayers to Sophia is optional.

Resources for Exploring Sophia/Seeking Wisdom course are available on the Wisdom Years website, This page is created especially for individual and congregational use or for those who cannot gather online when the group meets on Thursday afternoons, at 4:00 p.m. CT.

To reserve your spot in the study or join the Wisdom Years email list, contact Marjorie, at

The Wisdom Years Ministry is a ministry dedicated to spiritual formation in the last third of life. More information about the Wisdom Years Ministry can be found online, at

Study materials are also available for purchase online through the St. Mark's Bookstore online Bookshop Portal. St. Mark's Bookstore offers a variety of Episcopal resources, fiction and non-fiction books, and other items carefully chosen to support literary interests, spiritual needs, and religious learning efforts in the diocesan community.

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