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Resources & Curricula
July 20, 2021

Wisdom Years Hosting Four Summer Pop-Up Gatherings

Can’t commit to a four-week study this summer? How about four standalone opportunities for conversation this August? 

Starting August 5, join the Wisdom Years Ministry online each Thursday at 4:00 p.m. CT, for a conversation delving into different components of the spiritual journey, or mark your calendar for all four weeks. Weekly readings will be shared ahead of time, then the group will gather for reflection and discussion as a community and in small groups on Zoom. No books needed, but further resources will be provided to engage each topic in more depth on your own.

The Wisdom Years Group will gather every Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. CT and can accommodate up to 40 participants per Zoom meeting. The Zoom invitation link will be sent to the Wisdom Years' email list each week - all are invited to come as you are when you can.

Discussions will be facilitated by Marjorie George, Carla Pineda, and the Rev. Patricia Riggins. For more information or to join the Wisdom Years email list, contact Marjorie, at Additional information can also be found online, at

Weekly Summer Pop-Up Topics:
  • August 5: "Crossing Thresholds" - When something has ended and something new is about to begin, but not quite, we stand on the threshold. Retirement, a child leaving home, becoming a widow or widower are opportunities for God to enter in, if we will allow it. How we negotiate the thresholds that will inevitably come to us can determine the path the rest of our life will take.
  • August 12: "Hallowing our Diminishments" - As we age, we will all know diminishments – from loss of hearing to loss of memory to debilitating disease. We are beset with frustration, anger, and even despair. Yet even these circumstances invite us to “make holy” all that we are and all that we have as we stand in the presence of God.
  • August 19: "The Gifts of Joy and Wonder" - In the baptismal covenant, we pray God will give to the newly-baptized “the gift of joy and wonder” in all God’s works. Together we will consider where we find joy and wonder, and how our response to it can enrich our lives and the lives of those around us.
  • August 26: "Come Play - We Dare You" - It’s been a hard year-and-a-half; we need some respite. We need to be children splashing in rain puddles for a while. And there, too, we will find God, laughing and playing with us as we celebrate all of creation.

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